Do you sometimes want to help Project SHARE in a more significant way but feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing another check or giving up assets to help support us?

There are simple, flexible and versatile ways to help sustain our mission long into the future. The easiest way to plan for your charitable support in the future is through your will or living trust—it’s known as a charitable bequest.

Since a charitable bequest does not require you to part with anything during your lifetime, it can be a low-risk gift. Many people, in fact, find they can give more through a bequest than they ever thought possible.

Your estate is the sum of your assets, including property you own, insurance policies, retirement accounts, cash on hand, etc. Wealthy people may have very large estates, but even people who aren't wealthy often have the resources to make a charitable bequest.

A charitable bequest is simply a distribution from your estate to Project SHARE through your last will and testament. There are different kinds of bequests. For each, you must use very specific language to indicate the precise direction of your assets, and to successfully carry out your final wishes. In any charitable bequest, be sure to name the recipient accurately.

Kinds of Bequest and Sample Bequest Language

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results