

We understand that deciding to visit a food pantry for the first time may be difficult. Below you can find some information on how to prepare. We want to make sure that you feel comfortable and confident about your visit to Project SHARE.

What We Offer

At Project SHARE’s Food Distribution, households receive approximately one weeks’ worth of groceries. Clients can use food distribution one time each month, choosing the walk-in Your Choice Pantry or Drive Thru model.

Both options are located at 5 N. Orange St., Carlisle, PA.

Click here for directions.

How It Works

Your Choice Pantry

Our pantry is set up like a grocery store, and households can pick out the food that best meets their family’s size and needs. Upon entering the pantry, families receive shopping guides based on their household size. Click here to view an example of a shopping guide for a household of 3-4 individuals.

Your Choice shopping is by appointment only. To make an appointment, please call (717) 249-7773 or click here to schedule online.

Drive Thru

If you prefer not to come inside, you can use Project SHARE’s Drive Thru distribution. An appointment is not needed. If it’s your first time visiting Project SHARE, please call (717) 249-7773 to register.

Drive Thru is available once a month. Please visit Project SHARE’s calendar to determine the next available day.

Make An Appointment

Click the button below to schedule your appointment for Distribution.


To qualify for Project SHARE’s Distribution, you must live within the greater Carlisle area and have a household income that is 185% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Clients must live in one of the following areas:

  • Carlisle
  • Carlisle Springs
  • Mt. Holly Springs
  • Boiling Springs
  • Gardners
  • Plainfield
  • New Kingston
  • Middlesex
  • Newville

Yes. You can make an appointment in one of three ways.

A photo ID is optional, though helpful for our staff and volunteers.

During your first visit, you will be asked at least the following:

  • How much money your household earns each month
  • Your zip code
  • The names and birthdays of everyone living in your household

Your households can receive groceries from Distribution once a month. If you need more assistance, Project SHARE’s Farmstand distributes food weekly. Please click here for more information.

Households will approximately receive one week’s worth of groceries based on family size. Our goal is to provide healthy, nutritious food.

I would never be as healthy as I am today thanks to nutritious options I’ve learned more about because of Project SHARE.

Client Testimonial