Masks and SHARE

In this new era we at Project SHARE continue to be here to “Nourish Our Community… Awakening Hope!”  In doing so we have a number of situations that also require us to think of others and ourselves to protect us from the “invisible virus” that could either attack us or spread through us to others who are more vulnerable.  The adage “Love our neighbor as yourself” comes to mind.  In any case, making an assumption either about our own vulnerability or our threat to others can be problematic.  Whereas an approach to this crisis that assumes the worst, can prevent the worst from occurring.  One analogy might be seat belts.  We wear them every day when driving.  We do not expect to be in an accident but IF we are it adds a layer of important prevention.  It took years for the public to accept seatbelts.  We do not have that luxury with the virus so an ounce of prevention, as “they” say is worth the pound of cure that still does not exist.

So in order to protect all, Project SHARE has instituted a mask policy and social distance policy to conform with the CDC and other respected institutions of scientific health like the Mayo Clinic.  We ask you to follow these protocols for your protection, the protection of others you are in contact with and for everyone’s more vulnerable family members.  It is possible that any of us can, unknowingly, be the agent of sickness even if we are without symptoms.  COVID-19 has this unusual ability to be asymptomatic where some people are perfectly well yet they are “carriers”!

While we look forward to the “good old days” = “2019” we also believe that the way to get there is by being cautious while science works to find a vaccine / cure.

Welcome to SHARE where we will continue to care for  our Volunteers, Staff, Visitors and Community by respecting each other’s health.

Mask wearing guidance:

Here are some tips for those wanting to have a more complete insight into the protections we are encouraging:

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