Turkey Drive

To some 2020 and 2021 could not move fast enough yet to others it has been excruciatingly slow.  However you have perceived these times it is time to step on the pedal and drive towards Thanksgiving.  SHARE’s TURKEY DRIVE will place hundreds of Thanksgiving Dinners on the homes of larger numbers of families in search of food security during uncertain days in their lives.  “Tom” has the wheel and will be encouraging our community with their own resources to SHARE with others in time for Thanksgiving.

There are a number of ways that dinners can be placed on tables.  Our website provides an easy link, from the top slide on the page, to a donor form where you can select your gift and or level of support.  This line’s link speeds you into a place where you can make your donation via credit/debit card.  Another convenient way for those of us who are more tekkie is by simply texting the word Turkeydrive to 44321 from your smart phone.  Once again a list of options will allow you to take the wheel and make your donation to a blessed Thanksgiving for our Client community.

COVID-19 has brought many challenges to all of us.  Additionally there are new  families whose employment has either waned or been suspended during these days.  Project SHARE is here to help all of those in need whether it be through our monthly Distribution Days or our weekly Farmstand openings that welcome all for fresh produce, dairy and bread products to fill the gap.

Join us around the table by helping others through Project SHARE in 2021.

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